
winter planet globe

​ This  spec evolution project set in 2024 where  Earth temperatures fall under below 0 across world.what animals would survive or died out due of this. Winter planet globe instragram account is winterplanetglobe and password is Iceage2024

My introduction

  Author note This is my inner thoughts and  subject on my life in general And context is around it .Here we go I guess ..Hopefully I Make this as my own personal autobiography  as testimony of my life. One day when I get done with this .this story meanted to keep as secret In General from anyone  . My name is Slade  Humphrey  and.Follow me on Snapchat *instagram +Facebook .Follow our band page on instagram and Facebook at Freedom striker killer band . My Snapchat is slade714 and my instragram Slade_humphrey_714.My entertainment productions company is gopher pictures and follow it on Instagram. With slade incorporated too with Cenozoic productions also .Slade incorporated contact info is +1 (504) 462-5659 with our band contact info and my other startup ideas too . Slade incorporated like sign with you as writer for zombie deer virus project this is script Author notes This story is about animals spreading pandemic to humans.This outbreak based on  chlo...